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'Aquatectute' is an architecture competition, organized by volume zero magazine .

the competition challenge involved designing a self independent dwelling (Electricity,food,whether protection) for 10 people to live on water.

Design strategy-


The jellyfish is part of a single-sided animal group that has survived 
540 million years, thanks to its structure,
the jellyfish has been able to evade
predatory animals using an upper protective layer
and the ability to move downwards if necessary
and stick to the bottom in extreme situations for protection.


Our structure works in a similar strategy, it serves two functions that needed to coexist - the unit must both be portable and both be able to overcome the most difficult weather conditions. Underwater weather is much slower and calm than the upper atmosphere. so we decided to give the units a safty system that avoids bad weather by a buoyancy system that knows how to lower and raise the building if necessary. This strategy enables the building to benefit both from the underwater world   and both the upper ,who both serves a role in the outline of the maritime area. The people who will have to live within the maritime range will have to get used to a new kind of life, this idea does not fight the experience that those new life could bring with, on the contrary, his desire is to celebrate that experience.


The units will function as part of a broader community, one that allows for several social circles - those can be seen between rooms in one unit, and also between different units. For this purpose, a public section was planned in each unit, whose purpose is to respond to some kind of a "public building" (Hospitel, Museum, Market) those sections are ment to serve as Additions to the public facilities every unit has (Gym,Workspace,Libary). the idea of the public sections is to merge people who are part of the same maritime community and allow them employment and leisure.

Shared project with Rotem Shraga

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